2003 ford taurus mass air flow sensor problems
2003 ford taurus mass air flow sensor problems

2003 ford taurus mass air flow sensor problems

There is no fixed timeline for when MAF sensors fail, sometimes they can last the lifetime of the vehicle, other times than can fail even before the warranty expires. With a noticeable loss of performance and high mileage, a defective MAF sensor should definitely be considered. As the mileage increases on your Escape, it can happen that increasingly inaccurate values ​​are sent to the engine control unit. The mass air flow sensor is a wearing part. And over time when enough dust accumulates, the sensor starts to give erroneous readings. When the vehicle is running, dirt and other airborne particles that escape from the air filter can settle on the sensor. Air filters are effective at cleaning the air to a certain extent. The most common cause of a malfunctioning MAF sensor in Ford Escape is dirt and grime accumulation on the sensor. What causes MAF sensor to fail in Escape? Dirt accumulation MAF sensor location in Ford Escape fourth generation. This can cause the engine warning light to illuminate in the instrument cluster and the fault can be read out by a diagnostic device.

2003 ford taurus mass air flow sensor problems

The engine runs too “lean” or too “rich”. The optimal amount of fuel can no longer be calculated which results in either too little or too much fuel injected into the combustion chambers. If the MAF sensor is defective or dirty, it does not send correct measured values ​​to the control unit of Escape.

2003 ford taurus mass air flow sensor problems

What happens when MAF sensor malfunctions in Ford Escape? It is not only important for power delivery in your Escape, but also for the lowest possible pollutant emissions. The mass air flow sensor is part of the engine’s intake system and is located between the air filter and the throttle body.

2003 ford taurus mass air flow sensor problems